Level Two Tiny Books To Do List
You will need 6 (six) things to complete this to do list:
- The ten Level Two Tiny Books
- A small notebook
- One piece of staff paper
- One piece of 8-1/2″ x 11″ blank paper
- Large sheet of paper with blank keyboards for spelling Do, Re, Mi
- A very sharp #2 pencil with a good erases
- The “Do” Guy
In your small notebook:
- Explain in your own words why Ut got changed to Do
- How to Spell Musical Whole Steps & Half Steps
- How to Spell Do, Re, Mi in Every Key
In the Tiny Book itself:
- Spell all 15 whole steps and half steps in the spaces indicated
On paper with blank keys for Spelling Do, Re, Mi:
- Spell do, re, and mi in all 15 keys on the keyboards provided
- Draw Do, Re, Mi in Every Key
On staff paper:
- Draw do, re, and mi in every key using both G and F clefs on two pieces of staff paper
- How to Count & Beam Eighth Notes in Simple, Compound, & Complex Time
Count out loud while clapping all examples:
- Visit www.crescendomusicsystem.com/tiny-book-rhythms/ to hear demonstrations of all examples
- Practice counting and clapping all examples with a metronom
- Blue Jello Makes Counting Rhythms Easier
Count out loud while clapping all examples:
- Visit www.crescendomusicsystem.com/tiny-book-rhythms/ to hear demonstrations of all examples
- Practice counting and clapping all examples with a metronome
- What a Key Signature Is & Why It Is Useful
Count out loud while clapping all examples:
- Practice drawing all seven sharps in their traditional order in all three clefs: G, F, & C
- Practice drawing all seven flats in their traditional order in all three clefs: G, F, & C
- How to Draw Two Useful Charts to Help You Figure Out What Key a Song Is In
In Your Small Notebook:
- Draw the Two Useful Charts
On Staff Paper:
- Draw key signatures and write names of major keys as instructed
- How to Use Key Signatures to Figure Out Which Notes Are Do Re Mi in the G Clef
In the Sight Singing Section of Your Binder:
- Find exercise 2.2b. Sight Singing and Exercise 2.3b. Sight Singing
- Use your Two Useful Charts to label each key signature
- Label the first few notes Do Re or Mi, whatever they happen to be
- How to Sight Sing Do Re Mi in Any Major Key
- How to Use Key Signatures to Figure Out Which Notes Are Do Re Mi in the G Clef Demonstration of How to Sight Sing Do Re Mi in Any Major Key: crescendomusicsystem.com/steps-for-sight-singing
Do Sight Singing Exercises:
- Use the steps to work through all sight singing exercises in 2.2b and 2.3b