Level One Tiny Books To Do List
You will need five things to complete this to do list:
- The seven Level One Tiny Books
- A small notebook
- One piece of staff paper
- One piece of 8-1/2″ x 11″ blank paper.
- A very sharp #2 pencil with a good eraser
- Let’s Draw Leger Lines
In your small notebook:
- Answer all the questions in “Let’s Draw Leger Lines”
- How to Take Melodic Dictation Using Do Re & Mi Starting on Middle C
- How to Take Melodic Dictation for Do Re Mi in C Major using Quarter Notes & Rests in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, & 5/4
- How to Properly Space Quarter, Half, & Whole Notes & Rests for Melodic Dictation & Composition
- How to Draw the C Clef
- Invent Your Own Clef
On your staff paper:
- Practice drawing three middle Cs, three Ds, and three Es
- Practice drawing C, D, and E in a row three times
- Practice drawing two bars of quarter notes & rests in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and 5/4 time
- Copy several bars of half and whole notes and rests from the Tiny Book, “How to Properly Space Quarter, Half, & Whole Notes & Rests for Melodic Dictation & Composition”
- Draw all five C clefs
- Invent your own clef
- How to Label All of the Keys on the Piano Keyboard
On a blank 8-1/2″ x 11″ piece of paper:
- Draw a piano keyboard as shown
- Label all the keys with letters, sharps, and flats
- Three-hole punch and put in “Tool Kit” section of your binder